According to Dr. Manuel Delarosa, WellFast Urgent Care was “an experiment” started by two ER physicians in 2006 who were tired of overcrowded emergency departments. They wanted to provide a clinic where people could get quick, high-quality urgent care at a fraction of the cost of the emergency department. Fueled by this vision, they founded WellFast Urgent Care in Lawton, Oklahoma in 2006.
With their success, WellFast expanded its offerings, adding OccMed services and a lot of new customers. Before the clinic transitioned from paper to electronic medical records in 2011, decision-makers chose to use Experity’s Velocidoc as their EMR/PM. That was 10 years ago, and since that time, their relationship with Experity has only grown.
In the beginning, the center kept records on paper, but with the increased use of technology, decided to make the change to digital in 2010. Dr. Delarosa quickly realized that finding the right electronic medical records provider wasn’t easy. He talked a to lot of companies before deciding to give Experity’s Practice Velocity a try. He had done a lot of thinking about what transitioning would look like and felt the Experity solution matched his goals.
Delarosa choose Practice Velocity (now Experity) because its EMR and PM were made for urgent care. It fit their practice because it was straightforward and connected their visit documentation with claims. They also believed it would be an easier transition based on the way he and his staff were documenting at the time.
The growing practice found the transition simpler than they expected.
“A lot of people have terrible stories going from paper to electronic. It was easy for us,” said Claudia Kesselheim Delarosa, WellFast Owner and Business Manager. “We didn’t have any hiccups. It was smooth sailing. And I know that I’m probably one of a handful of people that can claim that. But I think a lot of that was a function of the people we were working with on the Experity side.”
From the beginning, Experity’s solutions helped WellFast increase efficiency and improve its OccMed services. WellFast now uses Experity Clinic (including OccMed functionality) to best manage their urgent care workflow, and according to the team, it makes delivering exceptional urgent care services much easier.
Experity Clinic (EMR/PM/OccMed functionality) makes a difference in WellFast’s day-to-day operations. Dr. Delarosa feels confident about the quality of care WellFast delivers to patients. “Exceptional patient care is our mission. We always focus on what happened to the patient. The majority of people that come into WellFast turn around and say, ‘Thank you, Doctor,’ which is really rewarding,” he said.
Superior OccMed functionality inside the PM also helps WellFast build and maintain good relationships with their business customers. “We hear from employers that it’s very easy to work with us. They get the medical record and the work status note as soon as the doctor signs off on the chart. It’s been very helpful,” said Jennifer Ladlee, Occupational Medicine Specialist.
According to Kesselheim Delarosa, “One of the holes that we saw in occupational medicine was a lack in clear communication between the employer, the practice, and the insurance adjuster. Employers want to know what happened to their employee. An employee would go into a practice, be treated, and the employer would have no clue about the outcome. All of that is eliminated with Experity.”
Using Experity’s eRegistration functionality makes it easy for WellFast to stay connected to patients and to ensure their visits are friction-free from the time they register, during the visit, and through discharge. According to Sharayne Stone, Assistant to the Business Manager, electronic registration is fast and simple for patients, and for staff.
As WellFast began their experience with electronic medical records, they wanted to continue to improve their workflows in new ways—specifically, connecting their digital resources from beginning to end. With Experity, they no longer had a need to turn to disparate solutions to serve their patients.
They now have an easy-to-use system that connects their medical records, revenue cycle management, teleradiology, OccMed, and other processes without sacrificing speed and accuracy. “With Experity, everything is under one roof. I have one point of contact today,” said Kesselheim Delarosa.
The relationship between WellFast and Experity is stronger than ever. According to Kesselheim Delarosa, one of the best parts of Experity is the people that work there. “They are devoted to making you succeed. We have been a customer for 10 years and we have grown with Experity. Those relationships have been fostered through the times and have grown. They are not only our business partners, but they’re our friends.”
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