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How to Capitalize on X-rays Without Hiring Radiologists

X-rays are a defining feature of urgent care and a convenience that can help patients save a lot of time...

In-house vs Outsourced Urgent Care Billing: Pros and Cons

We sat down with our own RCM (revenue cycle management) experts to dive into the most important factors to consider...

Reviving Revenue Through Higher Acuity: 4 Steps for Urgent Cares

Urgent care has lost its acuity edge in the last several years, which hurts revenue opportunities. Learn four steps to...

Reviving Revenue in a Softening Market

Over the last few years, clinicians have become super-efficient at managing upper respiratory cases but has come with a cost...

Front Desk Checklist PDF for Better Urgent Care Billing

Recoup your revenue! Download this front desk checklist so your urgent care staff can spend less time on rework, denials,...

Hidden Revenue Cycle Mistakes That Hurt Most Urgent Cares

Most urgent care owners are confident they’re doing everything right in their billing. When it comes to getting claims out...

6 Urgent Care Staffing Strategies to Protect Your Bottom Line

Reducing staffing costs is a priority for most urgent care clinics. We put together tips from our consulting and client...

Drive Visits and Cut Costs for a Profitable 2023

When you focus on driving volume and cutting costs, you make the future easier to predict. It’s the key that...

Urgent Care Growth in the Post-Pandemic World

As urgent care stepped up to provide a third of the nation’s COVID-19 testing, it’s adaptation and innovation in meeting...

Creative Ways to Increase Patient Volume

Increasing patient volume is a different challenge when you're experiencing high versus low visit volume. Learn how to make it...

How to Increase Patient Volume: Managing the Highs and Lows

Managing patient volume is a year-long challenge. When it’s busy, you need to keep up with demand. When it’s slow,...

Improve Your Front Desk Efficiency With the Right People and Tools

Your front desk staff has a huge role to play in your operational success. Not only do they set the...