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Improving Patient Care and Patient Outcomes Success Kit


Put the Treat into Treatment With Gold-Star Patient Care

You feel like you’re doing all you can to provide the best patient care and promote the best outcomes, but patients are still widely dissatisfied with healthcare. How can you further improve to meet patient expectations? This page lays out our most actionable tips and will help you evaluate resources that directly impact patient care and patient outcomes.

Here’s What’s in Your Success Kit

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Remove Barriers to Quality Care and a Positive Patient Experience

Identify and resolve obstacles that impede your ability to deliver the high-quality care you strive for.

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Refine Your Diagnosis and Treatment for Better Outcomes

Protect your patients and your staff with tools to get it right the first time.

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Meet More Personalized Patient Needs to Drive Them to Urgent Care

Earn more patient trust and make it easier for them to choose you for episodic care and beyond.

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Empower Your Staff to be Their Best for Your Patients

Learn how to not only support staff to do more for patients, but also leverage their individual experiences and ideas for greater returns.

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Featured Product Recommendation

Arm yourself with the technology that best supports your mission to deliver high-quality patient care and see better patient outcomes.

Remove Barriers to Quality Care and a Positive Patient Experience

The responsibility of patient care does not fall solely on providers’ shoulders. Every aspect of the patient journey contributes to care quality. Which means how you operate your business plays a significant role in patient satisfaction. Learn how everything from registration to workflow to billing processes impacts your ability to give patients your preferred level of care.

Improve Your Front Desk Efficiency with the Right People and Tools

The responsibility of the front desk doesn’t end until the patient has been seen. Watch this clip for front desk best practices that help improve the patient experience and elicit a better feeling of care.

Watch the Entire Webinar

Speed Charting

Charting is a common bottleneck in the urgent care workflow. Lengthy charting times burden providers with extra work, add time to the patient’s visit, and reduce the amount of time a provider can focus on every patient. Here is what charting looks like when it’s made for urgent care.

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Build Your Urgent Care Playbook to Improve Patient-Centered Care

This blog lays out suggestions from Alan Ayers, President of Urgent Care Consultants, who recommends building a playbook around operational excellence, the patient experience, and engaged/empowered employees to deliver the best patient experience possible.

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Solving the Top Reason Patients LWBS: Wait Time 

Urgent care doesn’t always feel very urgently addressed for patients. Learn what you can do to not only reduce wait time, but also reduce perceived wait time — making patients feel more in control of their schedule and less likely to leave without being seen.

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How to Win Patients Over for Increased Retention

Patients are increasingly dissatisfied with healthcare, but urgent care has a unique opportunity to go above and beyond expectations. This guide examines what goes wrong for patients and how urgent care can deliver the kind of experience patients want and deserve. Download to learn:

  • A better understanding of where patients struggle at every point in the urgent care patient journey
  • The easiest way to minimize these pain points and transform how patients experience healthcare
  • How these improvements also benefit your staff, operations, and potential to optimize profitability

Download the Guide

Comparing EMR Solutions

If your technology is a barrier to quality care, you should prioritize switching to a better system. If you’re a NextGen or Athena customer, listen to what former users who switched to Experity found to be the most helpful. For example:

  • Registering patients in less than 3 minutes
  • 30 to 35-minute patient throughput
  • Charting 80% of your most common visits in under 60 seconds
  • Clean claim-rate 97% every day

Not an Athena or NextGen customer but still interested? We have a comparison page you might like.

Watch the NextGen Webinar

Watch the Athena Webinar

Refine Your Diagnosis and Treatment for Better Outcomes

An accurate diagnosis and successful treatment plan are central to positive patient outcomes and overall quality of care. But mistakes made here hurt more than the patients — providers have a lot at stake.  See what solutions, services, and features can help you improve and/or maintain accuracy to protect your patients and providers.

Differential Diagnosis

Forming and documenting a differential diagnosis (DDx) is critical for patient care. But to form a complete DDx takes experience and intention. Having a DDx feature in your EMR/PM ensures providers are thorough and also improves:

  • Patient care and evaluations
  • Visibility to auditors on the complexity of medical decision making
  • Coding compliance
  • Documentation for legal reviews

See how DDx works in your EMR/PM in this short demonstration.

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How to Capitalize on X-rays Without Hiring Radiologists

X-rays are a defining feature of urgent care, and accurate overreads are critical to patient care and outcomes. But employing a radiologist doesn’t always make financial sense. Learn how three clinics overcame this challenge to protect their bottom lines without compromising patient care and outcomes.

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A Technical Guide to Improving Patient Care and Outcomes in Urgent Care

Does your tech do all that it can to help you deliver quality patient-centered care?  Compare your EMR/PM against these technology features that directly and indirectly impact your patients’ quality of care.

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Meet More Personalized Patient Needs to Drive Them to Urgent Care

Your patients have a diverse set of needs — not only when it comes to types of services, but also in how you relate to them. This is important considering how many people are either abandoning primary care or choosing the emergency room when urgent care is a better option. These resources can help you better align with patients needs to provide greater accessibility and convenience.

Understand the needs of your patients based on generational cohorts and see a list of example service lines to consider in this clip. Click below to watch the entire webinar.

Watch the Webinar


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How to Market and Diversify Your Services to Your Community

This guide delivers a combination of data and insights around generational preferences regarding both urgent care and marketing.

Open the eBook

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Exploring IV Infusion Services in Urgent Care

Can IV infusions give you the revenue bump you need? Read about these five types of IV offerings and whether they are a fit for urgent care.

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How to Revive Urgent Care Revenue Through Higher Acuity

This guide walks you through four steps to help you not only handle higher acuity visits at your clinic, but also make the transition successful.

Download the eBook

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2023 Trends for Urgent Care

We’re including this JUCM article written by Experity’s Alan Ayers because it showcases real examples of urgent care clinics that integrated specialty services into their practices, and also discusses merging primary care with urgent care.

Read the Article

Empower Your Staff to be Their Best for Your Patients

Your staff is the face of your clinic — and often an underutilized resource for making improvements to patient-centered care. Human behavior is impacted by stressors related to work conditions, expectations, relationships, consistency, and even rewards. It’s therefore vital to not only tap into their ideas and experiences, but also create a structure that best supports their needs.

Listen to Dr. Thom Mayer, a keynote speaker at UCC 2024, explain a powerful way to support the needs of your team and leverage them for powerful new ideas in this short clip.

You can watch the entire presentation by clicking below.

Watch UCC24 Keynote


Improve Your Front Desk Efficiency With the Right People and Tools

Get tips from two urgent care leaders as they share how they develop and retain excellent staff through incentives and how they create cultures that support their most valuable assets.

Watch the Entire Webinar

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Solutions for Healthcare Staff Burnout in Urgent Care

Discover tips to support your urgent care teams, keep them engaged, and prevent burnout — ensuring they can provide the same high-quality care through fluctuating patient volumes.

Read the Blog

Urgent Care Staffing

Urgent Care Staffing: Models, Tips, and Strategies for Optimal Returns

Discover expert strategies for urgent care staffing, from efficient staffing models to hiring tips that optimize patient care and urgent care profitability.

Go to the Page

Recommended Product:

Experity EMR/PM + Patient Engagement (PE)

Help your patients, staff, and business thrive with this urgent care power duo.  Reduce wait time and charting time, generate cleaner claims, and smooth out your workflow with our EMR/PM and PE solutions — perfectly integrated to reduce duplicative entries and close gaps in patient information.

The combined features empower you and your staff to go beyond patient care and deliver high-quality patient-centered care. The PE solution simplifies finding and making an appointment, reduces the stress of long wait times, and helps patients feel more in control of their visit. The EMR/PM lets staff work quickly, precisely, and simultaneously — even within a single chart. It also helps providers diagnose more accurately and spend less time on administrative tasks so they can give more attention to patients.

Your patients deserve your best. See if Experity can help you deliver excellence in every visit.

Learn About the Award-Winning EMR/PM        Learn About PE