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Make sure you use the right CPT code for plantar warts and lesion destruction when you submit your urgent care claims. The following details will help your billers get it right.

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CPT codes 17110 and 17111 are now used for destruction of common or plantar warts. The codes 17110 and 17111 have been revised to include destruction of benign lesions other than skin tags or cutaneous vascular lesions. Coders should no longer use CPT codes 17000 and 17003 for destruction of warts or molluscum contagiosum, as these codes now exclude destruction of benign lesions.

If the physician destroys one to fourteen warts (or molluscum), then you code CPT code 17110. Only code 17100 once, even if the physician has destroyed fourteen lesions.

If the physician destroys fifteen or more warts (or molluscum), then use code 17111. Even if the physician destroys thirty-five warts, it is appropriate to only use the code 17111 a single time.

Formal definitions of the codes are as follows:

  • 17110 – Destruction (e.g., laser surgery, electrosurgery, cryosurgery, chemosurgery, surgical curettement), of benign lesions other than skin tags or cutaneous vascular lesions; up to 14 lesions
  • 17111 – 15 or more lesions

Watch on-demand: Coding in 2021: Properly Using New E/M Coding in the EMR to Regain Revenue >>

Note: This information is for coding educational purposes only and should not be used as a clinical guide or as a guide for any specific coding scenario. The user of this information specifically releases Practice Velocity, LLC from any liability or potential liability that might arise as a direct or indirect consequence from reading the information contained on this website.

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This resource was first published prior to the 2019 merger between DocuTAP and Practice Velocity. The content reflects our legacy brands.

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