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urgent care EMR system, patient engagement, revenue cycle management, and more

The Operating System Designed For Urgent Care

Streamline operations, improve patient experience, optimize revenue, and put your urgent care clinic at the center of on-demand healthcare in the community.

Get Started

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Trusted partner by 50% of the Urgent Care market

How does an EMR software solution built for urgent care differ from other electronic medical record solutions? It accounts for your most frequent types of visits and what makes your specific workflow most efficient so it can automate for a truly intuitive system.

  • Register patients in less than 3 minutes
  • Chart 80% of the most common visits in under 60 seconds
  • Reduce the number of days in AR and collect more payments

In an urgent care setting where most of it is episodic and speed and efficiency are important to core tenants of our business, the Experity software solution delivers that in spades.

And I think our clinicians really repeat that back to us after they’ve used both types of systems and they really like the charting system in Experity.

Andrea Malik Roe
President/Co-FounderCRH Healthcare

Upgrade Your System. Don’t Disrupt Your Life

We make upgrading your systems and optimizing your workflows as easy as possible by providing a transition playbook so you can start realizing the benefits of a new operating system ASAP.

Learn more about replacing your EMR software

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Get up and running in as few as two weeks. We minimize disruption so you can work.

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Best-in-class support to help you troubleshoot issues and maximize your ROI.

urgent care doctor reviewing file

183% ROI with Experity

The Facts About Implementing a Solution Designed For Urgent Care

Experity commissioned Forrester Consulting to conduct a Total Economic Impact™ (TEI) study and objectively examine the potential ROI urgent care facilities may realize by deploying its urgent care software solutions.

Download the Report

Optimize Revenue, Simplify Coding, and Control Your Bottom Line

Stay compliant and get paid what you earned — all within a streamlined process built for efficiency.

Urgent care revenue cycle management goes beyond medical billing to negotiating payer contracts for fair reimbursement, improve coding accuracy for clean claims, and minimizing your reimbursement window.

Get your billing analysis today

hands making calculations on a calculator

Patient Satisfaction Extends Beyond Clinic Walls

First-rate patient care is about more than what happens inside the clinic itself. It’s about connecting with patients before they set foot in the door, and maintaining that connection when the patient leaves. 

A patient engagement solution gives you tools that show patients you care about their complete experience. And the same features that improve the patient experience give you insights that help you make better business decisions.

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Online appointment scheduling

EXP 2021 Icons EMR Workflow

Real-time queue visibility

EXP 2021 Icons PE

Text reminders

UX 2021 LPregister1x

Automated feedback surveys

How Will Urgent Care Continue to Change and Adapt for the Future of On-demand Healthcare?

Urgent care leads the on-demand healthcare industry. And it’s expanding. It’s where people go for their day-to-day health concerns. It’s where they go when something goes wrong. It’s where they go when they want to get better.

What does it mean to compete in the urgent care space today?

Adapting means patient-first urgent care EMR software and Practice Management solutions to improve the patient experience. Get the operating system that anticipates the needs of the patient and keeps the pace of the changing business realities in the urgent care industry.

EXP 2021 Icons Home Efficiency

Better throughput and clinical efficiency

EXP 2021 Icons Home Door

Faster door-to-door time

EXP 2021 Icons Home Complaince

Confident compliance

EXP 2021 Icons Home Throughput

More efficient resource use

EXP 2021 Icons Home Patient Experience

Better patient experience

EXP 2021 Icons Home Better Business

Improved business outcomes

Learn More For Your Business. Do More For Your Patients

Webinars, videos, white papers and more: put our urgent care & on-demand healthcare expertise to use for you

The Quandary of Opening an Urgent Care Without Contracts 

Alan A. Ayers, MBA, MAcc is President of Urgent Care Consultants and is Senior Editor of The Journal of Urgent…

Best Practices to Solve Workflow and Charting Challenges in Urgent Care

When you’re in urgent care, inefficiencies and other time wasters have a heavy impact on the patient experience, and can…

Sept Industry Notes: EOBs during the Change Healthcare Service Outage 

CDPHP: Issuing of EOBs during the Change Healthcare Service Outage  As a result of the Change Healthcare security issue and…

Get Urgent Care Software You Can Depend On

Stay ahead of the curve, and be everything your patients and your community need.

Get Started

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