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Urgent Care Marketing: Ideas, Best Practices for a Digital World

Marketing an urgent care looks a lot different today than it did even just ten years ago. As technology keeps...

How to Deal with Angry Patients in Urgent Care

Every business has to deal with dissatisfied customers. And in urgent care, the odds are stacked against you. The people...

5 Effective Urgent Care Marketing Strategies

We've gathered the best marketing ideas shared by urgent care operators like you so you can boost business and best...

5 Tips for Urgent Care Reputation Management

When running a business, particularly a consumer-facing one, your company’s reputation is everything. In today’s always-on, ever-connected world, this is...

Urgent Care SEO for Non-marketers: What, Why, and How

A strong urgent care SEO strategy will help you attract new patients and build your brand. This guide outlines everything...

4 Urgent Care Industry Trends that Impact Revenue in a New Era

Experity’s webinar on urgent care industry trends dove into four key areas that will impact business success in this new...

Webinar Q&A: 4 Emerging Trends for a New Era in Urgent Care

See how Alan Ayers responded to ten great questions asked by people who attended our webinar 4 Emerging Trends for...

Two Ways to Promote Sports Physicals in Your Community

Something we always advise clients to do is capitalize on marketing tactics that are directly tied to seasonality. Not only...

Do Most Urgent Care Clinics Open on Christmas Day?

Do most urgent care clinics open on Christmas Day? Watch this DocuTAP DataBrief to take a look at the questions...

The Importance of Marketing Attribution

Where do your patients come from? Urgent care patients have more ways to find you than ever before. Marketing attribution...

A Positive Response to Negative Reviews About Your Urgent Care

In urgent care, a negative review is bound to happen at some point. While it’s easy to take this personally,...

The Unexpected Marketing Value of Sports Physicals

Traditional marketing tactics, such as placing billboards and radio ads, are great ways to promote your urgent care center’s services,...

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