If you operate a hybrid urgent care clinic, Experity can help you be more efficient and effective within a single, streamlined platform.
Urgent cares looking for additional lines of revenue can now manage and provide primary care services directly within Experity Clinic. When operating a hybrid urgent care clinic, it’s important that you have a single, streamlined platform that allows you to provide longitudinal care alongside episodic care.
Within a chart, you can access a consolidated view of the patient’s active problems and summaries from previous visits and document on chronic problems. With the addition of face sheet, Experity’s EMR can provide a high-level patient history overview of vitals, current medications, and family and social history from a single screen.
When treating repeat patients for chronic problems, it’s important to track and access previous values such as lab history, height and weight, and growth charts. A slide-out tab allows for easy access to view and create graphs–then add them to the medical record.
Can you order, schedule, manage, and follow up on referrals to your partners and specialists in your area? Our referral management solution walks you through ordering referrals and offers a management dashboard that makes it easy to update, make notes, and filter results.
There’s only one primary care solution built for urgent care.
Experity makes it easier to transform your clinic into a hybrid model with primary care services. Partner with the only EMR provider that evolves at the speed of urgent care.